This nine—month practice container for mothers meets one Sunday a month via zoom. We practice Tibetan Buddhist meditations, Somatic Therapy, and the Sacred Path of landing back in our bodies and in community. Develop an embodied spiritual practice that supports the life of the mother and enjoy how good this feels!

There will be a gentle daily meditation commitment during our time together so that we each develop a solid meditation practice that carries us through the trimester. A practice that provides the container for us to be drawn ever back into ourselves, to the center of our being, the seat of sherab, which is a gorgeous Tibetan word that means inner knowing.

As we know, mothers hold so much, too much! This will be a sacred space where we are held as women and feel joy, ease, and the nurturance of a meditation practice and each other. I will be offering teachings, meditations, and body—oriented practices from my three lineages: the exquisite Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the ways of the Sacred Feminine, and my own training as a somatic guide and breathwork facilitator.

Each Trimester, You Will Have The Opportunity To — 

Nurture a daily meditation practice that combines posture, breath, and awareness.

Learn the tools to transform old wounds and patterns we carry in our bodies.

Experience the confidence and deep knowing that is central to our being.

Reestablish our ancient relationship to the Great Mother and the Sacred Feminine.

Build community and experience the collective power of women sitting together and healing together.